Wednesday, August 18, 2010

classes for the challenged......

Having spoken to a few mothers and wives I am thinking there might be a market for classes in basic house living. We could include ‘how to change the toilet roll’, ‘how to close cupboard doors,’ ‘How to put your used dishes by the sink’ and further how to put dinner scraps in the bin before you put your used dishes by the sink’, ‘how to put the lid on the toothpaste’ , ‘how to put the lid on the toilet’, ( In fact how to put a lid on almost anything that has one,’ how to hang up wet towels and for a big finale we could teach ‘ how to pick your clothes up of the floor and put them in an appropriate place,’ ( which is I might add not in a pile on a chair, bed or some other clear space you might happen to find. )

I think if it was up to the mothers and wives to send their offending to these classes I would be making a small fortune and holding classes nonstop....

Seriously it does get a little irritating though! Being the only one in a house full of people who seems equipped to do the above mentioned tasks, that is!

And it appears that these tasks are particularly difficult because most of us Mothers and Wives have been teaching these tasks since our husbands have been our husbands and some even before that, and since our children have been old enough to articulate.

They are small and seemingly insignificant tasks but they are the little straws on camel backs that make a mother or wife spurt steam on busy days. The curious thing is that when said mother or wife spurts steam at the offending, the offending looks askance with big doe eyes and plaintively asks, “Why are you in such a bad mood?”

Anthropologists might want to study this seemingly generic behaviour of the suburbs! I would love to see what they‘d come up with! That is when I had the time to read what they’d come up with, after I had finished changing the toilet roll, closing the cupboard doors, putting dishes by the sink, clearing them and washing them, putting the lid on the toothpaste, and the toilet, and other random unlidded things, hanging up wet towels and picking up indiscriminate clothes to put away.........

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