Sunday, August 29, 2010

tireless love

Mother Teresa understood the nature of love.....she gave it unconditionally and tirelessly. We can all learn from this. I can learn from this! It is easy to forget how much you love when you are sleep deprived or feeling unwell and the object of your love is demanding your full attention NOW!! OR perhaps has left yet another dirty plate on the coffee table to attract flies and your disdain! It is easier to frown with frustration and growl with anger when you remind the object of your love for the fiftieth time (may not actually be an least at the time it doesn’t feel like one!) to sign something or take something to return it to a friend he works with or just plain put the toilet lid down.....than be patient with love.

It is easy to get so tired that showing love becomes hard. Yet if we stopped to consider the whole picture we would realise just how much more energy is required for anger or frustration and the ongoing repercussions of showing these emotions instead of love. Think on it...when we show anger the object of the anger will often defend and retaliate and the anger will stretch into a whole argument requiring quite some energy! When we show Frustration the object of the frustration will likewise spend time defending themselves and then some time feeling guilty and then feeling frustrated with themselves, or possibly you and so will then feel remorse and guilt at having caused them to feel bad and so on again....all of this takes time and requires energy. If your love was tireless and didn’t feel too tired to remove the plate itself, or remind yet again, then all this unnecessarily spent energy would still be intact and waiting to be used on something infinitely more pleasurable like a great big hug or a heartfelt smile!

Don’t assume that I am saying we should happily run around picking up and cleaning up behind the object/s of our love ...that would just be tiring.....but I am suggesting that sometimes it is more important to ignore the dirty plate or unmade bed in favour of something warmer and more loving like snuggling on the couch or sharing a joke, and sometimes it is ok to ask in a loving way for the help you need rather than a demanding accusatory way....tireless love is not too tired to think before it acts and when it does this it will enjoy acting lovingly and mark my words, the results will be lovingly spectacular! Unconditional love is one thing, tireless love is another and both are important to the holistic sharing of love.

On a bigger scale we should never be too tired to give love where it is needed...if we all did this we all would receive the love we deserve and the circle of love would just keep circling round us in a big warm hug! But don’t tiredly wait for someone else to start the circle, be tireless and do the staring yourself now! I am going to!

Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. Mother Teresa

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