Friday, July 30, 2010

proving i have learnt at least one thing for each year of this journey........

Things I have learnt:
1. Challenges are sent to challenge. We have two essential choices: Take up the challenge and see it through or throw in the towel. Either way we are responsible for the outcome, not life, not others, not some weird twist of fate, just us and the way we choose to respond.
2. The only real love is unconditional love. Unconditionally we should love ourselves and others and not put expectation or thanks into the picture. Understanding this, we should remember how precious unconditional love is when it is offered to us and we should not disrespect it. Cherish the love others give you always.
3. It is so hard to really understand fully where another human being may be coming from ideologically, that it’s not meet to judge them. We cannot judge what we cannot totally comprehend.
4. We all have a tendency to see and feel and understand our own needs long before we become aware of another’s. It’s natural. But it can be worth the effort to try and empathise with those around can open up your world.
5. None of us really have the ability to fully appreciate all the help and sacrifice another might make for us. Often it is so subtle that we are oblivious to it! But it is there none the less and it’s something we should always remember and be grateful for. We exist because of all the others that exist and we have the life we enjoy because of the hard work and effort and sometimes struggle of myriad other folk on the planet. We are inevitably connected!
6. Honesty should never be undervalued! Even when honesty is painful, it’s wonderful, because it can teach us so much.
7. How well we handle someone else’s honesty depends quite often on how honest we are able to be with ourselves, about ourselves.
8. You cannot go back on what has been. You can really only deal with the now! It’s important we do not let the past way us down so much we cannot get on with the now.
9. You can only ever make the best of what you have. You cannot do much with what you don’t have!!
10. It’s not wise to expect anything from anyone except yourself!
11. Whatever else you do aim to tread softly, be gentle and listening soundly. There is enough harshness on the earth already.
12. No-one is perfect. Intent, heart and effort, are more important than perfection.
13. However complex, tough or painful you think your journey is there are thousands of others just like you! Life is often all of the above by definition but how much this rules your approach to it belongs to you alone.
14. The joys you experience and the love you share should be savoured like the best birthday cake and recognised as gifts. Never take these for granted.
15. Nobody is always in control. Nobody is always right. Nobody is always on top of their game. But by the same token, nobody is never in control, nobody is never right and nobody is never on top of their game. The key is in knowing which we are and when and being graceful about it!
16. Life is an unexpected boon. It can be gone in a split second. Don’t waste it!
17. No man is an island but a little part of us is always alone. Do not be afraid of that.
18. Open your arms towards the sun and you will feel its warmth.
19. Transience and transformation are a part of all living things. Learn to embrace change when it visits you.
20. One person cannot fix all broken things, nor should they be expected to. One person is only required to do the best they can.
21. It’s a fact that babies who slip out of the birth canal too quickly and easily miss out on the necessary squeezing and pressure to make their lungs efficient. The squeezing and the pressure, the difficulty in finally getting to the destination, it all has a purpose. I think on that as an analogy for life.
22. If you have something positive to say then say it! Who knows if you will get the chance again!
23. Anger is often just fear in disguise.
24. It is always good to forgive another, but I do not believe we need to forgive the act.
25. If you crawl before you walk, studies show that you are likely to have better coordination, better balance and better posture than those who stand up too soon.
26. Being Ok with yourself even more than loving or accepting yourself is very very important. It’s a subtle thing.
27. People will disappoint you, and you will disappoint yourself and others. So what? How else do we learn?
28. It’s easy to try and vilify oneself or defend ones actions, buts it’s not so easy to just honour another’s feelings and say sorry. The first will keep you in the fight; the second will gracefully end it.
29. If you know you have tried your best there is no point in second guessing yourself.
30. The sun does always rise!!
31. Generally if you are patient your eyes will adjust to the dark.
32. When you smile your whole body relaxes. When someone smiles at you the same thing happens. When you smile at someone, ditto.
33. It’s best to respond to as opposed to react to events in life. One is considered and one is not.
34. Learning when and how to just let things be what they are, is just as important a skill as knowing how and when to change them.
35. I would move mountains if I thought it would make my children and loved ones happy. But in the final analysis only they can make themselves happy. All the mountain shifting in the world won’t change that.
36. No matter how cluttered and chaotic things seem there is always space between each breath, each tick of the clock.
37. Having trouble breathing is analogous for having trouble living: Struggling with the process, grasping at it. The lesson is to slow down, relax, sit with it easier and let go a bit more.
38. Climbing a mountain is most successful when you have planned the process well, when you have learnt the necessary skills, and have some knowledge of the mountain!
39. If you can laugh you can heal.
40. Keep a budget, not just for finances but for time, personal space and energy and for your carbon footprint on the earth. You will benefit, your loved ones will benefit, the earth will benefit. Nothing is infinite so it’s important to place proper value on things and this is a way that you can ensure you do!
41. It’s not always about you/me. Often if we can step outside of a situation we can see that it’s just as much about everyone else!
42. The soul not only appreciates a little daydreaming it requires it!
43. Winning is subjective!
44. The only thing really within our control is our ability to trust and let go!
45. Time does heal and mitigate patient.
46. Possessions come and go, experiences last forever as memories.
47. Never be afraid of making a mistake. A mistake is not a failure. Mistakes can make you better, smarter and faster, if you utilize them properly.
48. There is nothing that can hold you back more than yourself!
49. There’s a phrase in Buddhism, ‘Beginner’s mind.’ I think we all need Beginner’s mind! It is the kind of mind that can see things as they are; it is the mind that is innocent of preconceptions and expectations, judgments and prejudices. Think of beginner’s mind as the mind that faces life like a small child, full of curiosity and wonder and amazement.
50. We regret more about the things we didn't do than the things we did do. Get out of yourself and just do it.

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