Friday, February 26, 2016

the space between the leaves....

I was sitting on a chair in the front garden, and my eyes were caught by a momentary wonderfulness, the gentle breeze playing on the leaves of an old gum tree, reflecting in shadow and a subtle play of light on the pavement below. In the background some innovative and experimental music from the Adelaide Festival was playing on the radio, reminiscent of,  but not quite,  Japanese Koto.  Something in me stirred....the Autumn energies were moving in and I caught a breath of them in this moment. I cannot explain the hint of restlessness, the sense of expectancy, the breath that caught in my throat....but I was aware of so much more to this earth than the tangible.

It has been a week of such intangibles... the full Moon on Tuesday... enjoying the friendship and warmth of a gathering at the lake, where we watched the moon rise to the sound of Japanese flute and the gentle lap of water upon the shore. There was a moment here as the moon slid between the leaves of yet another tall and ancient gum,the flute caressed the air and the lake reflected it all back again, where time did indeed stand still. The ancient energies alive all around. I stood with arms upheld and  hands open palmed, soaking in the Moon's vast energies and in that breath of time our Lady,  Queen of the moon was indeed the " cup and grail and wine of life eternal, " pouring out love upon the earth.

If only such moments could be transported to the souls who suffer, the hearts which ache, the minds that hate. If only.

And today, I felt I would burst if I did not sit and try to make form and words of my feelings under the tree. As we near Mabon or Autumn equinox and the days grow shorter and the long arms of the sun begin to is time to give thanks for what is good and to sort what we need and what we no longer require in our lives. To save seeds of hope and joy and possibility and to bunker down with these as we move into our shadow selves and sit in the quiet of winter listening to our thoughts, understanding our fears and embracing our dreams.

Life is full of change and as we move through the seasonal year we can negotiate this change with wisdom if we are aware of how the earth energy affects us.

This is something that is a part of my spiritual journey every day...and something I feel compelled to share! It is magikal. It is old and wise and it gives us so much more empathy with the trees...with the earth and with the very thing we need to protect in order to preserve life. But first, we need to love. The world seems so bereft of love in so many places. I beseech you all , learn to love, hug each other, a tree, an idea! Hug, love, share, let go, remember we all feel, we all hurt, we all cry.

Mabon …Autumn Equinox workshop

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