Wednesday, January 27, 2016



On February 2nd the Celtic festival of Lughnasadh is recognised in the southern hemisphere. At Lughnasadh, the Wheel of the Year begins to change from growing time to harvest time. The subtle changes of the waning sun that happened at Summer Solstice become more evident as the balance of day and night seem to shift more dramatically. The slight seasonal variations in weather, and the declining arc of the sun, are other pointers of this shift. This is the time of the first harvests. At this celebration we give thanks to the Earth for its bounty and beauty.  In times past, celebrations typically centred on the assurance of a plentiful harvest season and the celebration of the beginning of the harvest cycle.

Lughnasadh is a time of individual reflection and harvest, of our actions and deeds, events and experiences, our gains and losses. It’s a chance for us to get rid of blocks and fix what’s wrong before the cycle of the year ends and winter is upon us.

A great meditation for this celebration is purely and simply conscious eating…being mindful of and grateful for the food you share. Most of all, as you feast and give thanks for your bountiful table; I encourage you to consider what promise and commitment you might give to the sacred land itself that makes possible your abundance?

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