Tuesday, February 7, 2012

One Light. Many Hues.

Red keeping company with purple, orange, indigo…..
A rainbow creeps
Alive with wonder
Prism of refracted light
Item of delight

Worlds of colour
So many different smiles
Sassy upturned lips
Teeth flashing joy
In all directions

Eyes searching
Deep pools of brown
Blue oceans
Green flecked
Or dark as the midnight silence

A rainbow creeps
Arcing across the sky
Jeweled necklace
Multihued serpent
Chakra journey

Diverse beauty
Amassed in one radiance
Promise of gold
Promise of unity
Promise of peace

The prism breaks light up into its many constituents and it shows us the colours of the rainbow…those colours are all inside this one light. One colour is not more dominant or more important than the other; a prism will show us these constituents as equal. Light is responsible for our sense of sight. Why is it then that we cannot see how all these colours refracted from the prism are the one light?

We prejudice ourselves by seeing only the light and not all that it is made up of. Prejudice directly translated means belief without knowledge of facts….we blunder forward believing only what we think we see or know and make judgments on that. When in truth everything and everyone is more than what we see with our naked eye. If we take the time to look closely we may see a rainbow and every rainbow has a pot of gold so they say!! If we could just believe a little more in the pot of gold we could begin to see the good in everyone and every event.

People identify themselves with different groups, which in turn give them the satisfaction of being safe and belonging. Yet by the same token this allows for the seclusion of others. Light exists as we know it because of the rainbow that blends to make it. Secluding a part of it depletes it.
Who doesn’t observe a rainbow with wonder and awe …if we decided to remove a colour or two it just wouldn’t be a rainbow, would it?

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