Saturday, December 17, 2011

peace and love .......

This time of year makes you think of all the important things in life! For me they seem to come down to peace, love, sharing and being there for another. Naturally this comes down to family and loved ones……but more importantly it begs us to be aware of the larger family we all share, made up of every sentient soul on earth.

In fact Peace is a state of harmony. Its history in our language is from the Latin pax, meaning "freedom from civil disorder," the English word originated in various personal greetings as a translation of the Hebrew shalom. Shalom, similar to the Arabic "salaam", has numerous meanings: safety, welfare, prosperity, security, fortune, friendliness. The personalized meaning is reflected in a nonviolent lifestyle, which also defines a relationship between any people characterized by respect, justice and goodwill. My favourite peace idea is this quote; ‘Peace is not something you wish for; it’s something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away.” Robert Fulghum

Love, for most of us is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment, but in the philosophical context love is a virtue expressive of human kindness, compassion, and affection; and the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another. Saint Augustine has said that love is the beauty of the soul.

It would be wonderful if every human being found it in their hearts to embrace philosophical love and to express the virtues of peace in some small way at least in 2012……to stretch out a hand in kindness, to consider another’s welfare, to value another’s safety….to hold another with compassion, to accept another with unattached, unconditional love……I am making this my resolution for the New year….how about you??? Peace like all great journeys is but a step away…..let’s all take a first step of many…..and let’s walk with love.

Midsummer/winter blessings to all, Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, an abundant Puja for Pancha Ganapati, and love and peace to everyone!!!

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