Monday, July 18, 2011

half a year...

Half a year gone, tax to complete and the whisper of xmas already in the wind….goodness!! Time does have a tendency to fly by…I sometimes need to pinch myself to remind myself to pay attention to the minutes and moments and not get lost in the forward movement.

It’s been a full half year as per usual and it’s good to stop a moment and look back to remember the challenges overcome, the surprises and the triumphs, and the little special moments that pepper it all.

In January I ran a successful tarot class group and met an amazing group of ladies, we all clicked and continue to meet on a regular basis for tea and coffee and to play a marvelous game called THE WISH…in fact we have taken to calling ourselves the ‘wishlings’…it has been a spiritual revelation and taken us on some very telling personal journeys…I urge anyone with a desire to change their lives for the better to play this game, it’s a marvel!! Check it out at
My son really focusing on his work and showing his worth as a chef with accolades all round has also been a highlight.

In February Hubby and I had a lovely little get away courtesy of our daughter …it was a time for us to reconnect after the busy holiday period which is always more about work and less about intimacy for us and so it was timely!! I have to say it was probably the best thing for us and has stood us in good stead as a couple since! We feel back on track and more connected than ever. My youngest, back at school after the hols, began to really get into the swing of year 12 and has not looked back…her dedication and focus with study has nothing short of amazed me!

March was about colds, flu and other irritations but the great thing was that none of these took over or became overwhelming and my steadfast routine of olive leaf extract, Vits D and A, more rest and lots of warm clothes has proven itself a winner! My Eldest back at Uni continued to do what she has always done, a mighty great job, with excellent marks and a positive attitude, despite the cold of Melbourne and having to work and study as well as give time to her relationship! MY second eldest daughter began to formulate her plan for overseas travel and the true saving program was put into place, and might I add she has been incredible with it! At this point her travels to England and Europe look light a bright light for early next year!

In April I started jembe drumming and really do love it! I also took a little time out in Melbourne with my youngest visiting my eldest and my niece. So good to be in a city again and shop, see the art galleries and just spend time with loved ones! It may seem trite but I recall a game of world monopoly with my eldest, her lovely partner Jess and the youngest as a highlight! Hubby’s mum came to visit just before Easter and it was a pleasure! I had the best time with her and really valued the moments we spent at laughter yoga together, drumming, meditation and with family. It’s always good to take a fresh look at your environment and be a tourist again too!!

In May my hubby received a citation for bravery from the NSW Police. It was an honour to be there for him. I also began a little course in creative writing which proved to be a delightful satisfaction! It also proved really catalytic in an improvement to my creative writing style and energy.

June was all about family and saw my hubby head off to South Australia to support his mum after she had an operation to remove a kidney. It also saw me head off to Maleny in Queensland to look after my sister’s hubby while she went to Melbourne to see the Dalai Lama. I also then got to see my Mum and do some catching up! At the same time I had a wonderful visit from an old and dear friend!

This month of July has been about catching up with work, getting back into a genuine routine, watching with pride and awe as my youngest performed her HSC drama piece, watching as my hubby’s painting takes leaps and bounds as he gets ready for his exhibition, trying to keep warm amidst some very, very cold weather and getting into some very good reading…..

And during all of this I have been singing with my dear group of happy singers, I have been walking our sweet little dog beside the scenic waters of Yamba, I have shared scrumptious meals and joyous evenings with family, I have had long coffee dates with friends and I have juggled the responsibilities of work, the budget, the ups and downs of emotions and relationships in general (for each and every one of the family), I have played card games and monopoly late into the evenings with raucous family laughter, I have missed those absent and watched as my family have grown and developed in many, varied and fortunate me, wonderful and strongly honourable ways! I am the proudest of mothers because I see in all my children an integrity, a deeply spiritual and humanitarian personal ethic and a willingness to embrace the world, each other and the folk they meet with love and acceptance. I see also strength and determination which blows me away. And I am a privileged wife because my hubby and I can still sit for hours on the verandah at night with candles and a glass of red and talk ourselves silly!! We still hold hands and we still genuinely enjoy walking this journey together…this half year has been peppered with so many Global disasters and so much tragedy that I can only clasp my palms together in genuine appreciation for all my blessings!

Yes another half year behind me and so much to look forward to!!

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