Wednesday, February 10, 2010

valentines...the art of love

Loving is a sort of personal ecstasy, it raptures the heart, bliss’s the mind and pre-empts a kind of mutation of the soul’s DNA in which an eternal connection to another is formed like a growth, only this growth is just that, an augmentation, an expansion, an intensification, an increase in the soul’s capacity, in its possibilities and its general development, all for the better!

Without love, especially the form of loving or offering love to another , as well as receiving love, the soul (call it what you may….heart, inner beingness, psyche, ego, personality,) of the individual becomes shrunken, emaciated, a withered limb. Studies have even shown that love (define it as you may, Agape, Eros, Romance, Altruism, Passion, Philia, Storge, Compassion...), actually improves your longevity and health. Research carried out at The Institute for Research on Unlimited Love, suggests that selfless love can increase our immunity by de-stressing us as well as possibly extending our life spans and improving our mental health states, including reducing depression. Dr Vermon Coleman, writes, ‘The endorphins produced by the body when in love increase blood flow to the skin, which helps keep it soft and smooth, and reduce the development of wrinkles. The increased supply of essential food and oxygen to skin cells when in love also give the face a pinker, healthier glow. ‘ And the list goes on….look it up sometime on the www.

So let’s celebrate this thing we call love on Valentine’s day by offering it unconditionally to all those we meet, to those we read about, see on television or just imagine….let’s give out love to the whole world through all our little loving action ripples and keep the dam of positive world emotions from becoming stagnant through our collective inaction. Lets smile a genuine loving smile to our neighbor, hug an authentic affectionate hug with our children, laugh a heartfelt warm laugh with our friends, give our sincere good wishes to someone who is having a difficult time, share our unadulterated time doing something extraordinary and beautiful for random individuals at random times, give ourselves a deep and legitimate appreciation and remember to say ‘I love you’ with simple authenticity to our intimate partners. Let’s embrace the art of Loving, opening our hearts to its bounties of giving and receiving and rejoice in the joy this will bring.

As the dalai lama says: 'Compassion and love are not mere luxuries. As the source both of inner and external peace, they are fundamental to the continued survival of our species.'

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