Wednesday, December 9, 2009

of spirituality and the humour of humanness....

My sister and I forayed into Sydney last week to see the Dalai Lama and imbibe the teachings he was offering...inspiring, complex yet simple, challenging, uplifting......and inadvertently imbibing some more personal lessons too and lightening some baggage from our collective past ...a roller coaster of memories, internal chaos, unravelling and often, amusement...

Yes, it was good. And there are a few good stories to tell...though we will probably be hiding from our children the fact that I lost my glasses ( for real this time not just mislaid) and after retracing my steps well into the night, I had to buy a brand new pair of chemist magnifying specs, that upon arrival in our digs we spent a few (I lie - a lot) of minutes trying to work out how our key could fit into the slot to turn on the power in our motel room, only to finally realise we were doing it upside down (we are both very short-sighted!), that we continued to rummage in our handbags, like a pair of old fools, for the front door keys whilst the reception folk were waving madly at us to let us know they had already pushed the button to open the door ( yes the sight again!!), that my sister stopped me just in the nick of time before I left the entertainment centre through doors that said, do not exit this way alarm will be set off...thank Goodness for the nick of time!!!, that periodically we both fell up the stairs and went into paroxysms of laughter, that at night having coffee in a trendy little place in Darling harbour My sister went to sit in a hanging chair and promptly fell onto the ground instead, perhaps a minor moment, except I could not stop raucously laughing and with tears streaming down my eyes could not even offer poor sis a helping hand up, I am sure my karma came back to me for this latter incident, when I decided to put money in a street performers case and was immediately grabbed by him for a photo opportunity, which I was not too keen upon, garlanded in his plastic flowers and with his painted face close to mine I waited and waited and waited whilst my sister fumbled with her camera and interested tourists looked on , by the time the photo was taken my usually happy face had a strained, tightness about it......ah well...we are getting old, a tad forgetful, somewhat irritatingly obsessive and definitely poor of sight, but at least we are funny.

It was a nice catch up though and a chance to chat about our spiritual journeys, share our individual questions and wisdoms about the teachings we were privy to each day and remember our was a chance to be family again....and a chance to be ourselves, unjudged by anyone but ourselves, free of our usual responsibilities.

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