Sunday, June 19, 2016

Yule 2016

Southern Hemisphere Midwinter Solstice June 21st         

The Solstice is an astronomical event that happens twice, once in summer and once in winter, each year when the Sun reaches its highest position in the sky as seen from the North or South Pole. During Solstices the tilt of the axil of the Earth (with respect to the Sun) is the maximum at 23° 26'.

The Pagan celebration of Winter Solstice (also known as Yule) is one of the oldest winter celebrations in the world. This is a pivotal  point, a point of change, where the tides of the year turn. At this time of the year, no matter how cold it may be, there is a glimmer of spring in the distance. The shortest day of the year has come and the next festival on the calendar is Imbolc, which marks the beginning of spring. At Yule, we decorate our living spaces with evergreen, non-deciduous trees, and small gifts are given to all family members and all who pass the threshold to symbolise the gift of new growth and possibility that has been bestowed upon the Earth. It's a marvellous time to do workings for peace, harmony, love, and increased  well being and happiness as.

Many folk have forgotten some of the simplicity of living with nature and the natural earth energies, and seasonal rituals can bring  us closer to this  nature! Solstice celebrations don’t need to be complicated, overly serious affairs; a solstice ritual can be as relaxed and simple as sharing a potluck meal and having your guests share a funny story from the previous year. Ask guests to make a wish/put out an intent for the upcoming year while lighting a single candle. With each wish, the room grows brighter — a symbol of the light returning. A small rosemary plant, also known as a herb of the sun can be used in table decoration!

You might also like to practice this lovely warming meditation and at the same time remember that our lives are becoming warmer and the moment for sowing seeds will soon be here. Spend a little time contemplating what you ahve learnt through the past year and what seeds you really feel you need to sow and grow in the months ahead! 

 Warming Meditation.

Focus on your breathing, slow, steady and abdominal. Your belly should expand rhythmically with each inhale and shrink with each exhale. Imagine a warm, colored light radiating up from the ground, make the light a warm colour such as orange, yellow or red. Start with your feet. Imagine that the light is moving through each foot, one at a time, over each part and each toe. Imagine the light is moving up through your body slowly, one body part at a time. Have it go through your ankles, your calves, you knees and your thighs. Let visualized warm light radiate throughout your whole body. Concentrate harder and longer on the body parts closest to your core. Visualize your limbs first, your hands and arms after your legs and feet, arriving at last to your head and trunk. Visualize the warm light within the core of your body, flowing through each organ. Breathe in the warm light with each inhale, and get rid of any cold energy with each exhale. With practice, meditation to make you feel warmer will only take a few minutes. Feel yourself getting warmer to the point of feeling hot. Imagine sweat beads forming on your brow. Place the warm light inside of your chest to stay there and keep your warm. Slowly open your eyes.

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