Monday, May 26, 2014

(Hubby in France) part one by Michael

Mikes journey……

24 hours and three planes and we arrive at Charles de Gaulle……surprisingly no security checks and yet lots of soldiers with guns…
First impression, Paris looks like Melbourne on steroids! After our baggage drop we walked to the Eiffel tower (The Iron Lady) took too many photos and wallowed in the full on French sunshine!!!!
Cheese crepes in the park!!! Walked the Seinne past copious sculptures, monuments and then to musee d’olongerie, and Monet’s waterlilies….huge canvasses in the round! Also amazing Renoir and Picasso….and soooo many more…..walked back to Hotel via most of Paris!!!!! Faded at 3.30pm, slept 3 hours and then the Eiffel Tower at 9pm……worth the wait!! Seeing it at night is a must! The view from the top…absolutely magnificent!! ( looong way up!!) More photos in the park……heaps of people in the park, night time picnics, laughter, wine, good times….no dramas…amazing!! So different to Australia!
Day two…panic….slept through alarm…bus trip organised for Monet’s gardens…4 minutes to get dressed and splash water on face!!!! Swear and then claim victory! Somehow we made it! On bus at 8am , so tired need excess baggage for face!! NO coffee, no idea!!! Bus trip out of Paris to Giverney beautiful! Crisp air, green rolling hills. So much human history soaked in culture.
Very excited to be in the Monet energy! Didn’t disappoint!! His house and garden were so beautiful, filled with Iris’s, pontias, violets and pansies. The roses were a standout! Wow, so much of his presence here you could feel his gaze in the reflection on the pond….his peace in the bamboo island, his enormous human talent in telling the beauty of nature by using her as a canvass, true artist but so simple and generous of spirit. Hard to know if this was reality or a painting!
Inside the house retains the colours loved by Monet, lime green, blues, yellow …my impression …totally inspired!
Day three…Morning coffee and breakfast at Champ de mars…café crème and croissant… Big rouge bus ride from Eiffel tower, dropped off at Louvre…saw the Mona Lisa etc…crazy building holding many secrets. Saw Musee de Magdalene…amazing place…spooky, cool, and ethereal. Ice creams by the Senne, bought from the coolest French old guy, I actually spoke some French to a French person..sweet! bev finally dispelled my mis pronunciation of water eauuuuu. Her French is good, mine??? Well???
Jumped on Seinne cruise barge. Another side of Paris!! So cool all the Parisians lining the banks with picnics, wine beer, pop up restaurants, barge houses…yes it seems they really do celebrate every day!
La terrace for dinner…wonderful food. Dining in paris…eat your heart out, drink lots of wine, smoke your brains out, speak as much French as you can manage and they think it’s hilarious!! Then be emphatic, not loud but definite!! Eat late…..still serving dinner at 11.30pm/12am….enjoy!!!!!!

Day 4… Napoleons tomb! Musee Rodin…sculptures in the gardens…sketches with water colours…house…artist’s residence….hmmmmmm. 

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