Sunday, June 3, 2012

Anomoly or not anomoly?

I think a lot about the anomalies of life, like why I am up at 6.30 am writing this blog when I only went to bed five hours ago after a night working where I had to really concentrate on keeping my eyelids from folding salubriously over my tired eyes. And like why we meditate to empty our minds of clutter by using a technique called mindful ness…and why some folk think it is ok to eat a baby cow or in fact a baby anything from piglet to lamb and yet screw up their faces at eating rabbit or dog. The anomaly of what many call love but which as I see it is an emotion that demands to receive before it will give(You know, ‘I love him because he is so good to me…kinda of thinking), the way massaging a sore muscle because it hurts gives a pleasure that is part due to the pain,  how many think it makes perfect sense to condemn a murderer by murdering him, of how an old age that brings knowledge and wisdom can make many scream out for Botox and surgery in a desperate attempt to regain their witless youth, of how strong intelligent women in the work force still choose wear impossible high heels that torture their feet in a manner reminiscent of a history of female bondage, of how some in our world have so much they are dying of diseases wrought from over indulgence whilst others watch their children die because they do not have enough, how easy it is to find humour in the pains of others ( come on who hasn’t snuffled a snigger at the poor hapless who tripped up and fell on his face?), how being excessively happy can sometimes make us cry, how we can so easily accept our freedom and deny others theirs by putting them in “detention” ( hey isn’t that what you got when you misbehaved at school?), how we can preach of lions lying down with lambs and yet are happy to kill both or either for our own desires…………and the list goes on …….

But oh wait!!!  Perhaps I am confused, the dictionary meaning for anomaly is: Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.  All of the above seem to be standard and expected and yes even accepted in our world so perhaps the only anomaly here is me?? Or then again perhaps it is standard and normal to be confused by this thing we call life and living?

Don’t get me wrong my confusion does not mean I wish I to judge any of the above, I merely wish to understand. And it isn’t only within the world at large… I see anomaly within myself and my words and actions every day and I often times really don’t understand…like why do I persist in putting things in cupboards that are too high for me to reach unless standing tiptoe on a chair? Or why do I sit here typing away with numb cold toes and warm slippers only a room away?

We humans are odd beings that is all I am saying I guess we are, each of us an anomaly in our own right. And what seems standard and normal to one of us is very likely not going to seem as such to another….

I used to make a point of putting cutlery in the drawer least suspected, you know how folk always put knives and forks in the inevitable top drawer in the inevitable row of drawers in the inevitable standard home kitchen?? I would proudly announce to those searching for a teaspoon that no, they are in that drawer over there at the far side of the room, as far away from the teacups as possible….hey who likes to be predictable?? Well when we moved house recently I gave in to the law of kitchen drawers and put my cutlery in that inevitable top drawer for a change….and guess what no-one who knows me well could find them first up, the last place they went to in my kitchen was the top drawer!! Ha ha… so I in my un-predictableness, have become predictable….or maybe not now that I am being more predicable….confusing right?

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