Monday, April 30, 2012


What an interesting time for all my delightful children…..I am hearing stories of London and the cooold, Prague’s beauty and giant spiders and snakes in northern Thailand, whilst celebrating  the accomplishment of a Master’s degree, sharing the delights of a rooftop bar and watching the quick progress from wide eyed little boy to sous chef, who is adapting easily it seems to bossing others around ha ha !! Perhaps my son gets that gene from me! I am it seems entering into a kind of parenthood redundancy as my littlies become grown! It’s a great feeling knowing they are all capable and strong in themselves! It’s a weird feeling taking on my graceful new role of supporting friend and keeper of meaningful memories!

The first night or so that two of our daughters were travelling, each alone in different parts of the world, hubby woke at every new sound, every nuance, and once, around midnight, my mobile beeped a message (from Optus no doubt)…and dear darling hubby jumped, nay flew, out of bed yelling, which one is it are they ok???? And this from a man who cannot hear his alarm in the morning!! Ha ha. ‘tis true to say that we are still on parent watch for whenever and if ever our services in any way are needed!!!

But Needless to say they are alright… more than alright it seems and whilst all four inhabit different corners of the big wide world at the moment I am chuffed at their successes in maturity, wisdom and just generally being nice folk! If it reflects a little on us as parents then let me bask in that glory!!!! I do believe however that I have just been one lucky woman! As we creep towards Mother’s day I must say that I have the best present ever, four wonderful, caring, compassionate, intelligent, brave and adventurous young folk entering the world with such expansive positivity and openness. I am so happy to have birthed these four bright souls into our world! Oh and I am a little partial err uhm biased I guess….but seriously, they ARE amazing!!

To be fair there are many other amazing young folk out there too, and this gives me heart for a better, more humane, caring and unprejudiced world in the future!

I have always loved this quote: "Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." ~Elizabeth Stone…

How wonderful I believe that my heart should be walking around gently and inspiringly touching so many more hearts, I feel like the centre of an enormous, lilting, beautiful ripple in a vast and shining pond!!! Thanks again my children for this opportunity of Motherhood that changed my life forever in the nicest possible way!!

1 comment:

Mary said...

You are amazing xx