Friday, March 4, 2011


Getting into the year....

I finally feel as if 2011 has started...a little time coming I know but there has been so much to do and sort out and organise that my sense of focus has dissolved in the miasma. It might not seem like much but assisting my children with the journey of their lives and loves, supporting my youngest daughter through her early HSC moments and lending a thoughtful ear plus giving a few well chosen words of advice, being there for other members of the family who have experienced difficult and at times overwhelming circumstances, generally being a mum to all four of my delightful off spring and getting my hubby through yet another full on holiday season of work and demanding tourists as well as finding time to do my own work...well it all adds up to much more than not much! To top it all off I have been ill for a good 7 weeks of this year already and whilst it was more a niggling irritation it did take a toll! So yippee I am now feeling unburdened ( well mostly) and able to focus a little on me and the plan for 2011...and of course get the budget back into some sort of order and my exercise and meditation routine back on an even keel.

I have enjoyed walking the dog this week because I have not been rushed by the demands of time and deadlines, I have spent more time on my listening meditation and enjoyed the revelations of this quality experience, I have spent loving, focused time in the kitchen making tasty dinner creations and baking and I have looked into hubby’s eyes with a silent knowing, over coffee, content to just be. And this has been good!

It’s been a steamy week with lots of humidity and high temperatures. But I have not minded...Well I hardly ever mind this kind of weather, it makes me feel alive and able to tackle life with a smile. I have noticed a few others looking limp around the edges though! I have sorted out all cupboards, thrown away a good many unneccessaries, polished and shined around the home, bathed the dog, put my papers in order( well nearly) and written a few lists to keep me on track.

I have determined to spend more time doing sweet life affirming things this spending value time with friends, noticing the moon, the stars, the ocean, and the sunrise, taking time to really listen when others are talking, taking time to consider what it is I need to say, holding my hubby’s hand, preparing good food to share with those I love, and remembering why I am grateful for this wonderful life I have.

And I have determined to appreciate with pleasure the great enjoyment I get out of my work, because it is true that I do get enjoyment...and often so much more...morning stars of wisdom that blink and peep at me from the most surprising places, the intimacy that comes with sharing deep and essential truths, the soft enveloping silence of contentment and connection.....I have formed bonds with the folk of my meditation and tarot classes, I have shared tears and insights, laughter and tenderness with those for whom I read and every astrology chart that I create, serves as a mandala filled with refreshing and ponderous learnings.....
Yes, 2011 here I come, a late starter for sure, but nevertheless, a definite contender.

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