Friday, November 12, 2010


I have been off doing all manner of things again and not writing much...its interesting just how busy a quiet life can be!! I spend my days doing astrological charts, writing my articles, keeping on top of the house work ( I like to think I am on top anyway), nurturing my herbs and other plants, nurturing my family and other stray folk who invariably need nurturing ( you know a kind and understanding word her and there, a moment to listen and not judge, a little homework advise, feeding the hungry, life advise when its asked for and with the children when I think neccessary...and deflecting the exhasperated attitude about this when it comes flying in my direction, walking the dog and making sure he has not collected a tick or two after the walk, buying a cherished item someone else will love, planning family get togethers and so on) and trying to find a little time to nurture me...or at least get to brush my teeth and hair!!

So when it comes to catching up on the blog....well it doesn't always happen!! But I think about it a lot, and I imagine all manner of dissertations...from why are mutton birds wings placed so far back that they must rely on the wind to fly to what a great day playing on the waves at the beach was had by myself on Tuesday or some other great wave day, to the humour of playing charades on our little verandah with my very funny family to the plight of political prisoners, refugees and most of the world's wildlife.......

There is so much to consider and think about that I sometimes feel as if this little skull of mine is going to explode words and pictures and unseen but keenly felt concepts all over the already splotchy galss of my computer.....its a confusing world full of confusing issues and questionable folk...its a world that sometimes amazes and delights and sometimes brings agonising suffering and a wealth of disappointment....there are rainbows to gaze at and realisations about the reality of rainbows which points to their illusory quality...there are waterfalls to wonder at and rainforests to marvel at...and plastic bags that wont dissolve and paddocks full of round eyed cattle waiting to die...

There are folk spending quality time trying to stand up for the rights of other folk or the beauty of the natural world...and there are folk too greedy to care for much else than their bank account, pulling down trees and lives and traditions in the name of selfishness...

Its a difficult call this world...a hard place to reconcile and sometimes I have no idea where I should best put my energy or trust or belief....

I guess all we can do is live...and respect the rights of others to do the same....
and when it comes to this blog all I can do is get to it when I can get to it and write whatever it is I write.....

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